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 Peace, goodwill, and happiness for you
at Christmas and always!

Romanian's Day Celebrated in Calgary , Dec. 3rd, 2022

We thank all those who decided to be with RCCAC in a festive moment,

We thank His Excellency Mr. Bogdan Mănoiu, Ambassador of Romania in Ottawa for the message (scroll down for the written message) addressed to the Romanian community in Calgary,

We thank His Excellency Mr. Ovidiu Grecea, Consul General of Romania in Vancouver for choosing to celebrate Romania's Day in Calgary as well, together with the RCCAC team and members of the Romanian community.

Once again, Happy birthday, Romania!


See pictures here.

Interview with Dr. Ovidiu Grecea, General Consul of Romania in Vancouver


Rompost TV, Dec. 18th, 2022


Interview with Dr. Ovidiu Grecea, General Consul of Romania in Vancouver, about the Consulate's events and participation in the Romanian Community in Vancouver, BC, and Calgary, AB during the month of December 2022.


Cuvântul Excelenței Sale Dl. Bogdan Mănoiu, Ambasador al României la Ottawa,

adresat comunității românilor din Calgary,

cu prilejul sărbătoririi Zilei României

     Dragi români,


     Îmi face o deosebită plăcere să mă adresez dumneavoastră, chiar dacă de la distanță, cu prilejul Zilei Naționale a României. Mi-ar fi plăcut foarte mult să sărbătorim împreună, însă pregătirile pentru propriul nostru eveniment de marcare a Zilei Naționale m-au împiedicat să fac această călătorie.


     În ceea ce ne privește, vom organiza recepția pentru oficialitățile federale și corpul diplomatic acreditat la Ottawa în data de 5 decembrie, după ce, exact în ziua de 1 decembrie, am înălțat drapelul României în fața Primăriei capitalei Canadei, Ottawa.


     Sunt onorat să mă aflu în fața dumneavoastră prin intermediul inimoasei și destoinicei doamne președinte Veronica Chirnoagă și să vă adresez cele mai calde urări de sănătate, bunăstare și fericire. Vă doresc să rămâneți aceiași buni cetățeni canadieni și români, motive de mândrie pentru ambele țări și pentru comunitățile din care faceți parte.


     Ziua Națională este în primul rând un prilej de rememorare și de înclinare cu respect în fața înaintașilor noștri care au reușit să înfăptuiască la 1 decembrie 1918 ceea ce părea imposibil. Toate teritoriile românești de la vest, nord și est, până atunci stăpânite de puteri cu care micul regat al României nu se putea măsura de unul singur, s-au unit cu țara prin voința reprezentanților acelor populații.


     Această realizare absolut remarcabilă, care vine să încununeze o întreagă serie de momente glorioase din istoria noastră, a unui popor încercat, trebuie să constituie și astăzi o sursă de inspirație atunci când vorbim de curaj, dârzenie, consecvență, loialitate sau patriotism. Copiii noștri, chiar dacă sunt născuți și trăiesc în altă țară, trebuie să își cunoască rădăcinile, să știe de unde provin, din ce neam și din ce cultură, de ce trebuie să fie mândri că sunt români și cu ce anume se pot mândri - iar lucrurile cu care se pot mândri nu sunt puține.


     Nouă, celor care azi sunt în putere, ne revine să cultivăm memoria înaintașilor pentru generațiile care ne urmează și să onorăm moștenirea pe care ne-au lăsat-o. Dumneavoastră faceți toate aceste lucruri pentru că v-ați asumat păstrarea tradițiilor românești și reflectați în conduita de fiecare zi atașamentul față de valorile sănătoase care dau esența identității poporului din care facem parte.


     Vă rog să primiți mulțumirile și admirația mea pentru dragostea dumneavoastră față de istoria și cultura neamului românesc, pentru respectul față de limba română și dorința de a-i educa pe cei mici în spiritul iubirii față de țara din care proveniți.


     La mulți ani, România și români!


Romania's Day 2022

November 15th, 2022

Update November 16th, 10 am

The RSVP is now closed.


UPDATE November 16th, 9 am

We thank you for your great interest shown every year at this event. 

Due to the venue's capacity, we only have a few available spots left. 

Thank you for your understanding.


Romanian Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary celebrates Romania’s Day on December 3rd, 2022, starting at 6.30 pm, at North Glenmore Park Community Association, 2231 Longridge Dr. SW, Calgary, AB T3E 5N5.

The event is offered FREE of charge and open to the public.

Please let us know your intention to participate by RSVP ONLY at, to assist with the planning number.

Dress code: Romanian traditional costumes or semi-formal attire.

Expected lineup:

6.30 pm - Door opening.

6.45 pm - Singing of the national anthem, an opening speech addressed by the organizers.

7 pm - 7.15 pm - Romania in history - a foray into the history of Romania's national day, Romania in time from the historical provinces to the unitary state.

7.15 pm - 7.30 pm - Romanian folk dance artistic program supported by the students at the Romanian School in the Prairie, folk dance class.

7.30 pm - 7.45 pm - Artistic program supported by the teenage couple, Latin dance champions, Vanessa Buscu and Josh Li.

7.45 pm - 8.00 pm - Folk dance artistic program supported by "Doina" assemble.

8 pm - 9.30 pm - Finger food and beverages served, provided by the organizer.

9.30 pm – 9.45 pm - Giving small Christmas gifts to all participating children.

9.45 pm - 11 pm - Socialization and representative Romanian dance "Hora unirii" performed by all guests.

11 pm - Event closure.


November 2nd, 2022

Romanian film @ Calgary European Film Festival

The Romanian Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary invites you to the movie!

The 11th edition of the Calgary European Film Festival will take place between November 5th - 13th, 2022.

RCCAC, as a founder and partner member of CEFF, presents this year the film "Miracol", a 2021 production directed by Bogdan George Apetri, with Ioana Bugarin, Emanuel Parvu, and Cezar Antal in the main roles.

The Romanian film will run in the cinema on November 11th, 2022, from 6 pm, at Globe Cinema, 617 8 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 1H1, and online, throughout Canada, between November 5th-13th.

Tickets for the cinema can be bought hereand for streaming here.

CEFF brings cinematographic productions from twenty-six countries this year. 

The full program of the festival can be consulted here.

Thank you for supporting the Romanian community in Calgary. We wish you a pleasant view!


Romanian Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary is a not-for-profit community development entity founded in 2005 in Calgary, Alberta dedicated to promoting Romanian culture, values, and traditions in Western Canada both among the Romanian community and the public, and who contribute by organizing programs and events to preserve the Romanian heritage and its culture as an ethnic group.

Since the beginning of 2022, RCCAC has carried out the following activities in Calgary:

1. The Romanian School in the Prairie - the continuation of the Romanian language courses for children, and the reopening of the folk-dance classes for children in the studio, after the lifting - in the second half of March - of the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic;

2. Romanians Flavours at GlobalFest - Online edition, dedicated to “Martisor” (March 1st);

3. Itinerant Consulate organized in collaboration with the Consulate General of Romania in Vancouver (March 24th -27th);

4. GlobalFest Gala – The 20th Cultural Mosaic (May 11th);

5. The day of Romanians everywhere (May 28th);

6. The universal day of the Romanian Blouse (June 19th);

7. Fundraising event – Pure Casino Calgary (July 14th – 15th);

8. Romanian Flavours at Red Lodge (August 5th - 7th);

9. The Romanian cultural pavilion at GlobalFest (August 18th - 27th);

10. The Romanian film within Calgary European Film Festival (November 5th - 13th).

A few projects in progress for the short and long term are the celebration of Romania’s Day, the opening of the Romanian library and the Romanian museum, RoArtFest – The Romanian Art Festival, the organization/establishment of a folk-dance ensemble, the launch of a publication, the acquisition of a headquarters.

We wish you all the best!

_ //_

Calgary European Film Festival

October 18th, 2022

The 11th Calgary European Film Festival will take place at Globe Cinema from November 5th-13th, 2022. 

See more details here.

August events

July 30th, 2022

Here are two August activities for the Romanian community and the public at large in Calgary and around:

1) Romanian Flavors at Red Lodge - August 5th-7th

2) Romanian Cultural Pavilion at GlobalFest - August 18th-27th

Keep calm, come along, have a wonderful rest of summer, and volunteer with us! :)


Romanian Flavors at Red Lodge is an annual event organized by RCCAC since 2005 (except in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic restrictions) in different presentations, shapes, traditional and cultural components, and names. It is a time when people can get together outside to learn from another ethnic group, about their cuisine, traditional music, folklore, costumes, and legends, also a fantastic opportunity for the people from the Romanian group to pass all the knowledge to the next generations.


GlobalFest @ Elliston is an annual celebration of Calgary’s multi-cultural communities, featuring pavilions, performances, international food, children’s programming, and fireworks. Illuminating the sky with a colliding orchestra of light and sound, this year’s 20th Anniversary celebration event will showcase presentations produced by world-class pyro musical artists from India, Austria, France, and Germany, plus a Canadian-produced finale.

Since 2017 Romanian has been presenting a cultural pavilion, for this edition along with another twenty-one countries, showing the world unique things and facts about a great nation.


Casino Fundraising Event

July 14th - 15th, 2022



A BIG thank-you to all the volunteers who committed their time on July 14th and 15th to help make RCCAC’s casino fundraiser another successful story, our fourth of this kind! A HUGE thank-you to those eight people who volunteered both days! 🥳

Funds raised go towards the continuing admin expenses and in support of the 8-12 cultural and educational programs and events RCCAC is running over the year.

Hats off to: Marina Rocas, Valentina Tabarcea, Andra Cernat, Loredana Nitescu, Cristina Iuga, Bianca Dontu, Geanina Buscu, Romina Moscal, Antonina Birladeanu, Heather Charron, Vica Vornicu, Nicu Baranga, Claudiu Damian, Mircea Tabarcea, Petre Ignatescu, Singh Amritpal, Cosmin Martac, Elias Popa, Dominic Loria, Shawn Buick, Eduard Nitescu, Cosmin Rocas! 👏👏👏

Thank you on behalf of all those who understand the importance of the Romanian community, culture, and tradition in this part of the world. ❤️

Veronica Chirnoaga,


Two Auditors are needed! Volunteer opportunity!

May 2nd, 2022

Two Auditors are needed! Volunteer opportunity!

For transparency, RCCAC's Board of Directors needs two members in good standing to do the audit of the 2021 Financial Statement, according to RCCAC By-Laws.

If you are interested, please contact us at prior to May 6th, 2022.

Thank you.



Romanian Folk Dance Classes for Kids

May 2nd, 2022


The classes will be resumed on June 4th, 2022, 12-1 pm at Ballroom & Country Dance Studio, 121C 17th Avenue NE, Calgary, AB.

As in previous years, Romanian Folk Dance Classes for Kids address children 6-14, are offered free of charge by RCCAC, and are open to the public.

Please register your kids at


Romanian School in Prairie

Romanian Folk Dance Classes for Kids

Registration opens soon.

Stay tuned for details. Volunteer opportunity!

Please email us at if this event suits you.


The Day of Romanians Everywhere

May 2nd, 2022


We will hold a social event at Cranston Residents Association, Century Hall, on May 28th, 2022, from 7-11 pm.

Finger food and refreshments are provided.

Please RSVP at

This event is offered free of charge by RCCAC, is open to the public, and has limited available spaces.


The Day of Romanians Everywhere

Celebrated in Calgary, AB | May 2022

Details coming soon. Volunteer opportunity!

Please email us at if this event fits you.


The Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse

May 2nd, 2022


We will hold a workshop event at Cranston Residents Association, Century Hall, on June 19th, 2022, from 2.30 - 4.30 pm.

Please RSVP at

This event is offered free of charge by RCCAC, is open to the public, and has limited available spaces.


The Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse

Celebrated in Calgary, AB | June of 2022

Details coming soon! Volunteer opportunity! Please email us at if you think this event is for you.


Romanian Flavors at Red Lodge 

May 2nd, 2022

Update May 20th, 2022:

Come to learn about, cook, and taste Romanian traditional dishes in a natural environment, at trivets, at a wood fire! Come and dance Romanian traditional dances! Wear a Romanian blouse or a traditional costume and feel to recreate sequences learned or lived in Romania.

Accommodation, food, and drink will be procured or paid for individually by the participants. "Ciorba de burta" will be provided free of charge by RCCAC.

The event is open to the public.


Directions: Red Lodge Guest Ranch, Bowden, Alberta, T0M 0K0 | 11 km W of Bowden, on Hwy #587 to Range Rd 22. Turn north and follow the road to the Ranch.



Cabins (see park website for prices - ), Tent-$15, RV-$25, Bowden Hotel - 1919 20th St. | Phone 403-224-3240, Pelican Hotel - 2402-20th Ave. Phone 403-224-3515

For cabins, tents, and RVs please make reservations via RCCAC at


Contact: Veronica Chirnoaga - 587-889-9890, Simona Loria - 403-389-5205, Marina Rocas - 403-807-2916

Romanian Flavors at Red Lodge is also a sponsorship opportunity. For details on supporting this event please contact us at Thank you.


Romanian Flavors at Red Lodge

August 5-7, 2022

Details coming soon. Volunteer opportunity!

Please email us at if this event suits you.


GlobalFest - Romanian Cultural Pavilion

May 2nd, 2022

GlobalFest 2022

August 18-27, 2022

International Fireworks Festival and the OneWorld Festival return to Elliston Park (1827 68 St SE) in the summer of 2022.

Romania is present with a Cultural Pavilion for the sixth year in a row. OneWorld Festival.

Volunteer opportunity!

Please email us at if this event fits you.



GlobalFest is an annual celebration of Calgary's multi-cultural communities, featuring pavilions, performances, and international fireworks.

GlobalFest consists of different components: the OneWorld Festival (with up to 24 Cultural Pavilions, 14 ethnic food kiosks, and a 12 vendor Night Market) and the International Fireworks Festival (with up to 6 fireworks presentations from up to 5 international teams).


RoArtFest - Romanian Art Festival

May 2nd, 2022

Update October 2nd, 2022: This event was postponed for the fall of 2023.


RoArtFest - Romanian Art Festival

The first edition, the fall of 2022.

Details coming soon. Volunteer opportunity!

Please email us at if this event suits you.


Romanian Library

May 2nd, 2022

Coming soon! Stay tuned for details. Volunteer opportunity!

According to our 2021 Business Plan, we are working on a series of projects addressed both to the Romanian community and to the general public. Let’s hope the pandemic and restrictions are over and we can work together again like before.

Among them, we are enthusiastic to open the first Romanian Library in Calgary.

If you want to be involved in collecting or donating books written and printed in the Romanian language or printed in any language but written by a Romanian author, please contact us at

Thank you.


Romanian Museum

May 2nd, 2022

Coming soon! Stay tuned for the details. Volunteer opportunity!

According to our 2021 Business Plan, we are working on a series of projects addressed both to the Romanian community and to the general public. Let’s hope the pandemic and restrictions are over and we can work together again like before.

Among them, we are enthusiastic to open the first Romanian Museum in Calgary.

If you want to be involved in collecting and/or donating Romanian items, please contact us at

Thank you.



April 5th, 2022

Romanian Folk Dance Instructor for Kids

Romanian Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary

Position type: Independent Contract, part-time

Language: English

Compensation: $15 – $25 per hour CAD – negotiable, upon relevant experience and qualifications

Closing date: Until a suitable applicant is found

About the association:

RCCAC is a non-profit organization registered under Alberta Societies Act since 2005 that stimulates interest, entertains, facilitates, and provides a community voice for those that are interested in preserving and promoting Romanian values and traditions, more than 5,000 miles away from our motherland.

RCCAC contributes to the development of culture and the arts in Alberta as fundamental to Alberta’s quality of life, supporting Alberta Government’s priorities, “people, prosperity and preservation” and Alberta Community Development’s core business of “promoting community development”.

RCCAC encourages, fosters, and develops recognition of the importance of the preservation of the Romanian heritage, language, and cultural values in Alberta, strengthening the fabric of the Romanian-ethnic community.

Responsibilities and Duties

The instructor will perform all or some of the following Job descriptions:

• Support the RCCAC mandate, mission, and vision.

• Work collaboratively with the board of directors, artistic directors, and other instructors.

• Plan, organize, and deliver a high-quality Romanian Folk Dance program.

• Lead participants of all ages through a fun, safe, and educational dance experience.

• Keep current with industry trends and class formats.

• Teach knowledge and skills in Romanian Folk Dance.

• Provide individual and small-group instruction to the needs of students with varying intellectual, physical, and artistic abilities, and accommodate a variety of instructional activities.

• Instruct students in proper form and safe techniques.

• Prepare students for public exhibit(s) of choreographed dance.

• Provide an elevated level of front-line customer service including greeting and engaging participants.

• Complete administrative duties in a timely manner (e.g., attendance, incident/accident reports).

• Maintain a safe and tidy program space ensuring equipment is set up and stored appropriately.

• Understand, adhere to, and enforce policies implemented by the RCCAC.

• Perform any other duties as assigned by the board of directors related to this position.

RCCAC will be responsible for administrative tasks including registration, communication to program participants, and advertising.

Work Setting, started date, number of worked hours/week: TBD

Minimum Requirements

• Criminal Record check

• Vulnerable Sector check

• Experience in Romanian Folk Dance

Experience and education are considered assets. The ideal candidate will be able to work onsite and/or virtually as restrictions require.


If this opportunity matches your interest and experience, please email your cover letter and resume to We thank all applicants; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. The successful candidate(s) will be required, as a condition of employment, to sign a written employment contract.

RCCAC - AGM May 19th, 2022

April 5th, 2022

RCCAC calls all members in good standing for AGM,

Thursday, May 19th, 2022, 6 pm via Google Meet.

Updates will be provided via email. Please monitor your inbox closely.

Concurs de interpretare pentru pian Micul Virtuoz | 14 mai 2022

March 16th, 2022

Ambasada României la Ottawa are plăcerea să anunțe organizarea celei de-a XIII-a ediții a festivalului-concurs de interpretare pentru pian Micul Virtuoz cu participare internațională. Concursul va avea loc în data de 14 mai 2022 în format virtual.

Participarea la concurs este deschisă copiilor și tinerilor cu vârstele cuprinse între 5 și 19 ani.

Va incurajam sa participati, de asemenea sa redistribuiti acest mesaj.

Va dorim mult succes!

Volunteer Opportunities | July 14-15, 2022 

March 15th, 2022

 At the beginning of January 2021, a 5-page complaint was sent to the AGLC against the RCCAC - by a person who had access to the working documents of the last years - to withdraw the association's casino license. Sad!

After three months of arduous work, a grueling first license review, and a series of approved new projects, the current board of directors managed to save RCCAC's license at AGLC, the association being considered in good standing, thus being able to continue to benefit from the funds that allow it to conduct and develop specific, ethnic, and educational activities, also events open to the public. Deserved!

RCCAC is an active Romanian cultural organization in Western Canada, this year celebrating a nice age of 17 years old. For better or worse, with dry-ugly branches and beautiful-green grass, without denying that we are Romanians, the years have passed.

We're moving on!

Those of you who want to give us your support, you have this opportunity, to volunteer at the casino on July 14-15, a.c.

Please see below and contact us at if something is suitable for you.

Thank you.

Consulat Itinerant | 24-27 martie 2022 | Calgary, AB

Consulat Itinerant

February 18th, 2022

 Update 3 martie 2022:


Rugam toate persoanele care au fost programate sa RESPECTE data si ora care le-au fost transmise pentru procesarea documentelor, de asemenea reamintim ca trebuie sa prezinte TOATE documentele in original, asa cum au primit instructiuni in acest sens, astfel incat demersul respectiv sa aiba finalitatea propusa.

Volumul de cereri fiind mult peste capacitatea de timp alocata acestui Consulat Itinerant, multumim tuturor penru intelegere si cooperare.


 In perioada 24-27 martie 2022, se va desfasura la Calgary, AB un Consulat Itinerant sustinut de reprezentantii Consulatului General al Romaniei la Vancouver.

Consulatul Itinerant se va desfasura la Carriage House – Lincolnshire Conference Centre, 9030 Macleod Trail, Calgary, AB T2H 0M4 cu respectarea restrictiilor sanitare impuse de guvernul Albertei si a consiliului municipal, la data desfasurarii evenimentului.

Va rugam gasiti mai jos toate detaliile privind desfasurarea acestui eveniment, transmise de catre Consulatul General al Romaniei la Vancouver.

Multumim tuturor reprezentantilor misiunilor diplomatice oficiale romanesti de pe teritoriul Canadei - implicati in desfasurarea acestui eveniment, pentru raspunsul pozitiv la solicitarile comunitatii romano-canadiene din Alberta.



Calgary, AB


Ridicarea restricțiilor sanitare și de deplasare datorate pandemiei de coronavirus, solicitările primite din partea cetățenilor din comunitatea românilor – canadieni din Provincia Alberta, inițiativa Ministerului Afacerilor Externe al României și Consulatului General al României la Vancouver pentru soluționarea unor servicii consulare în cadrul unei activități specifice de consulat itinerant, fac posibilă deplasarea unei echipe consulare la Calgary, AB.


- Joi 24.03.2022, orele 09.00 – 17.00 (ATENȚIE! - la ora 17.30 locația este închisă de agenții de pază și protecție)

- Vineri 25.03.2022, orele 09.00 – 17.00 (ATENȚIE! - la ora 17.30 locația este închisă de agenții de pază și protecție)

- Sâmbătă 26.03.2022, orele 09.00 – 17.00 (ATENȚIE! - la ora 17.30 locația este închisă de agenții de pază și protecție)

- Duminică 27.03.2022, orele 09.00 – 14.00 (ATENȚIE! - la ora 14.30 locația este închisă de agenții de pază și protecție)


Carriage House – Lincolnshire Conference Centre, 9030 Macleod Trail, Calgary, AB T2H 0M4


Procedura de înscriere și programare se face NUMAI online prin emailul, cu scanarea tuturor documentelor și actelor necesare pentru serviciul consular solicitat, în vederea verificării acestora și programării la data / ora disponibile în succesiunea lor în Programator, pe baza listei întocmite la nivelul Consulatului General.


Au prioritate persoanele care au aplicat deja și au cererile prevalidate în portalul, aceștia avand număr PE.


Considerentele de ordin procedural, legal și suport tehnic / IT, condiționările privind protecția și protejarea datelor cu caracter personal și a documentelor cu regim special, permit asigurarea numai a următoarelor servicii consulare:

- Pașapoarte simple electronice / Titluri de Călătorie.

- Clarificarea cetățeniei române, adeverințe de cazier judiciar, supralegalizări de acte legalizate anterior la Global Affairs.

- Acte notariale: Procură Carte de Identitate, Procuri Succesiune și Declarații, Procuri Vânzare - Cumpărare, Procuri de Pensie și Certificate de Viață, Procuri Administrare, Procuri Bancă, alte Procuri.


- NU se efectuează înscrieri de acte de stare civilă, dosare redobândire cetățenia română

- Achitarea taxelor consulare se va face prin Money Order (pe numele Consulate General of Romania in Vancouver ) sau cash conform listei de taxe consulare lunare afișate pe site-ul Consulatului.

- Fiecare serviciu consular necesită un plic autoadresat XpressPost cu Tracking Number sau altă formă de curierat cu AWB


Cu dorința și încrederea soluționării cererilor de servicii consulare printr-o colaborare și sprijin reciproc, cu calm, înțelepciune și credință, adresăm mulțumirile noastre anticipate organizatorilor și persoanelor care ne vor onora cu prezența lor, pentru identificarea și transpunerea în practică, la modul realist și pe temei legal, a esenței activității Consulatului Itinerant.

GlobalFest Flavours March 1st, 2022 - Romania

GlobalFest Flavours - Season 3

February 1st, 2022

Va invitam sa fiti alaturi de noi si de organizatorii GlobalFest in cel de-al 3-lea sezon an editiei GlobalFest Flavours.

De Martisor, RCCAC va prezenta online in live straming, o reteta veche de Bulz ciobanesc, mancare traditional romaneasca.

RCCAC este prezenta din 2017 cu un pavilion cultural, alaturi de alte 25-30 de tari, la cel mai mare festival de artificii si nu numai, din Calgary, AB, prezentand unui public mediu de 100K vizitatori/editie cultura, traditiile si valorile romanesti.

Vizitati pagine GlobalFest Flavours si inregistrati-va aici


Season 3 – On Sale Now!

GlobalFest Flavours returns this winter, January 11 just in time for Ukrainian Malanka (New Year’s Eve). Once again, we are exploring four cuisines with guest chefs on our live-streamed cooking program.

Treat the home chef in your house to an international culinary experience and gift them Season 3 tickets for GlobalFest Flavours!

March 1 – Romanian Cuisine with Chef Cosmin Crisan making Bulz Ciobanesc (polenta with cheese).

$10 per episode. $30 Season Pass for access to all 4 episodes.

Ticket sales close 24 hours prior to each week’s livestream.

GlobalFest has always been more than just fireworks. Annually, the OneWorld Festival celebrates the food, music, and performances of the cultural partners who join us in celebration at Elliston Park.

January 15 - Romania celebrates National Culture Day
January 15, 2022

Pe 15 ianuarie in Romania se sărbătorește Ziua Culturii Naționale, dată aleasă și pentru celebrarea poetului national Mihai Eminescu.

Va invitam sa vedeti aici un album de fotografie veche, ilustrand viata romaneasca de la 1938.

" Acest album, primul din ciclul Enciclopediei fotografice, s'a tiparit in intregime de imprimeriile "ADEVARUL" in lunile maiu-iunie 1938."


Enciclopedia fotografica semnata de Nicolae Ionescu face parte dintr-o biblioteca personala, este protejata de drepturi de autor si nu face subiectul comercializarii in tot sau in parte.


On January 15, Romania celebrates National Culture Day, a date chosen for the celebration of the national poet Mihai Eminescu.

We invite you to see here an old photo album, illustrating the Romanian life from 1938.

"This album, the first in the series of the Photographic Encyclopedia, was printed in its entirety by the "ADEVARUL" printing house in May-June 1938."


The photographic encyclopedia signed by Nicolae Ionescu is part of a personal library, is protected by copyright, and is not subject to sale in whole or in part.

Back to school

January 10, 2022


January 3, 2022

Annual Membership Renewal is now open

It’s time to renew your RCCAC membership for 2022. This involves:

completing the membership form, which includes questions about your interest in getting involved in the association's activities, and the payment of the annual fee.

Please visit the members' page here.

#203 223 12 Ave SW Calgary AB, T2R 0G9

587-889-9890 | 403-807-2916

© 2015-2024 RCCAC

Website & Logo Design Rebuilt  2019 by Image Consulting Expert

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