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Since 2005

 Red Lodge Guest Ranch, Bowden, Alberta

Romanian Flavours at Red Lodge Guest Ranch - August 5th-7th, 2022

May 2nd, 2022,

Come to learn about, cook, and taste Romanian traditional dishes in a natural environment, at trivets, at a wood fire! Come and dance Romanian traditional dances! Wear a Romanian blouse or a traditional costume and feel to recreate sequences learned or lived in Romania.

Accommodation, food, and drink will be procured or paid for individually by the participants. "Ciorba de burta" will be provided free of charge by RCCAC.

The event is open to the public.


Directions: Red Lodge Guest Ranch, Bowden, Alberta, T0M 0K0 | 11 km W of Bowden, on Hwy #587 to Range Rd 22. Turn north and follow the road to the Ranch.



Cabins (see park website for prices -, Tent-$15, RV-$25, Bowden Hotel - 1919 20th St. | Phone 403-224-3240, Pelican Hotel - 2402-20th Ave. Phone 403-224-3515

For cabins, tents, and RVs please make reservations via RCCAC at


Contact: Veronica Chirnoaga - 587-889-9890, Simona Loria - 403-389-5205, Marina Rocas - 403-807-2916


Romanian Flavors at Red Lodge is also a sponsorship opportunity. For details on supporting this event please contact us at Thank you.

Red Lodge Guest Ranch - Annual Camping Party - Sept. 6-8, 2019

April 16, 2019

RCCAC organizeaza traditionala petrecere anuala de la Red Lodge.

Event coordonator: Dragos Dontu

Accesul se face contra cost, astfel: $15 - adult, non-membru, $10 - adult membru, $5 – senior & copil (7-14), gratuit pentru copiii sub 7 ani. Cazarea, mancarea si bautura vor fi platite individual de catre participanti.

Cazare: Cort-$15, RV-$25 sau la hotelurile: Bowden Hotel - 1919 20th St. | Telefon 403-224-3240, Pelican Hotel - 2402-20th Ave. |Telefon 403-224-3515

Contact: Dragos Dontu - 403.888-8699.


“Annual Romanian Camping Party” reprezinta si o oportunitate de sponsorizare. Pentru detalii legate de sustinerea acestui eveniment va rugam sa ne contactati la


Adresa si directii:

Red Lodge Guest Ranch, Bowden, Alberta, T0M 0K0 | 11 km W of Bowden, on Hwy #587 to Range Rd 22. Turn north and follow the road to the Ranch.

Red Lodge Guest Ranch 2018

September 1, 2018

RCCAC organizeaza traditionala petrecere anuala de la Red Lodge.

Accesul se face contra cost, astfel: $15 - adult, non-membru, $10 - adult membru, $5 – senior & copil (7-14), gratuit pentru copiii sub 7 ani. Cazarea, mancarea si bautura vor fi platite individual de catre participanti.

Cazare: Cort-$15, RV-$25 sau la hotelurile: Bowden Hotel - 1919 20th St. | Telefon 403-224-3240, Pelican Hotel - 2402-20th Ave. |Telefon 403-224-3515.

Event coordinators: Dragos Dontu - 403. 888-8699, Gabi Barbu - 403-629-7570.

“Annual Romanian Camping Party” reprezinta si o oportunitate de sponsorizare. Pentru detalii legate de sustinerea acestui eveniment va rugam sa ne contactati la


Adresa si directii:

Red Lodge Guest Ranch, Bowden, Alberta, T0M 0K0 | 11 km W of Bowden, on Hwy #587 to Range Rd 22. Turn north and follow the road to the Ranch.

Red Lodge Camping Party - 26, 27 August 2017

August 13, 2017

Romanian-Canadian Cultural Association of Calgary organizeaza traditionala petrecere anuala de la Red Lodge.

Event Coordinator: Lotzi Crisan

Biletele se cumpara direct la sosire in Red Lodge. $15 - adult, non-membru, $10 - adult membru, $5 - senior&copil (7-14) gratuit pentru copiii sub 7 ani.

Cazarea, mancarea si bautura sunt platite individual de catre participanti. Fondurile astfel stranse vor intra in contul RCCAC, pentru a asigura organizarea evenimentelor viitoare.

Red Lodge Provincial Park este situat la 15 km vest de Bowden pe Secondary Highway 587, 222 km sud de Edmonton si 113 km nord de Calgary.

Cazare: Cort-$15, RV-$25 sau la hotelurile de mai jos: Bowden Hotel - 1919 20th St. | Telefon 403-224-3240, Pelican Hotel - 2402-20th Ave. |Telefon 403-224-3515

#203 223 12 Ave SW Calgary AB, T2R 0G9

587-889-9890 | 403-807-2916

© 2015-2024 RCCAC

Website & Logo Design Rebuilt  2019 by Image Consulting Expert

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